Safeguarding and ensuring proper vivarium conditions is crucial for animal safety, well-being, and experimental reproducibility. Legal responsibilities require continuous monitoring of vivarium conditions where animals are kept during or between clinical trials. Demonstrating that animals were maintained in properly controlled conditions substantiates positive trial outcomes and provides necessary data for quality and compliance reporting.


How We Do It

Environmental monitoring for vivariums delivers vital information on all facility and equipment conditions in real-time, allowing for any deviations or anomalies to be addressed quickly and for any corrective actions to be digitally documented. 

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Ambient Conditions

Monitoring ambient conditions in a vivarium is vital for maintaining a stable and safe environment, ensuring animal well-being, and preserving the integrity of experimental results.

Key Parameters Include:

  • Airflow in Racks: Proper airflow in animal racks is essential for maintaining a healthy environment. This monitors if the ventilation systems are working correctly.

  • Vibration: This is a potential source of animal stress. Excessive vibrations can affect animal behavior and the outcomes of experiments, making it crucial to maintain a low-vibration environment.

  • Gasses: Monitoring gas levels, such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, and oxygen, is important to ensure a safe and healthy environment for animals. Abnormal gas levels can lead to respiratory distress and other health issues in animals, impacting their well-being and the validity of experimental results.

  • Relative Humidity & Temperature (rH&T) Sensors: High humidity levels and variable temperatures in a vivarium can lead to issues such as mold growth, respiratory problems in animals, and asset degradation. Real-time monitoring of rH&T is essential to maintain a stable environment that supports animal health and experimental integrity.

Light Intensity

Monitoring lighting conditions in vivariums is vital for animal health. It's important to not only track whether the light is on or off but also measure the intensity. By programming parameter limits that follow an animal’s circadian rhythm, XiltriX ensures animals receive the appropriate light intensity at the right times. Multiple light sensors are strategically placed around the vivarium to ensure comprehensive coverage.

HVAC (Air Quality)

The HVAC system is critical for regulating air quality in vivariums. Monitoring temperature, humidity, air exchange rates, and differential pressure ensures that the HVAC system maintains optimal conditions, supporting animal health and the reliability of experimental results.

XiltriX Sensors & Integrations

Vibration rH&T
Light Intensity Gasses
Airflow in Racks Ammonia Levels
Differential Pressure (DP)

+ Many More

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