Have You Been Left to Your Own Devices?

Does your laboratory require monitoring to ensure all equipment and facility conditions are functioning optimally?

Have You Been Left to Your Own Devices?

Many laboratories must follow strict regulations from various agencies and organizations to remain within quality and compliance standards, but what are the best means for monitoring?

  • Manual, paper-based records of equipment and facility conditions?

  • Disparate monitoring devices for temperature and other (often limited) parameters that provide details at 15-60 minute intervals?

  • Somewhat connected systems integrated with Building Management Systems (BMS), Environmental Monitoring (EM) solutions, or Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)?

  • Integrated hardware and software solutions that provide state-of-the-art, real-time monitoring?

Each of these options work, some more than others, but few can cover the entirety of what is required to remain fully compliant with regulations and protect scientific assets from potential losses, failures, and catastrophic events.

Being Left to Your Own Devices

If your organization is utilizing manual, paper-based records, disparate monitoring devices, or even somewhat connected or integrated systems, the task of ensuring all necessary lab and facility conditions are actively monitored can be very difficult. If you’ve made the switch to digital solutions, you’ve probably been left to purchase often expensive hardware equipment from monitoring companies that only cover a few of the environmental monitoring areas you need, with little to no support provided during and after implementation, especially when you need it the most--if anything goes wrong.

Perhaps you’ve done some due diligence and vetted monitoring systems that provide a little more than the endless variety of data loggers for temperature or other single-use sensor monitoring that are available on the market, but come with little to no support when they fail. You might have found a monitoring solution that gives more accurate, real-time data from a variety of lab equipment and facility conditions. The solution might have software capabilities included with the hardware provided, allowing users to have more overview and insight on lab operations, but even these solutions come with limited support or services if anything goes wrong. Also, chances are that this solution still requires allocating multiple resources to manage the system, something that most organizations have difficulty handling.

The Need for Managed Monitoring Services

Monitoring is not always at the forefront of laboratory facility and operations teams, especially when it comes to dedicating full-time resources to manage the system, but in the event any deviation or catastrophic failure occurs with lab equipment, the importance of real-time monitoring increases exponentially. Most equipment failures can be avoided or mitigated when a more proactive approach to monitoring equipment functionality is adopted. This is where the benefits of solutions that offer a service-based approach to real-time monitoring of lab equipment and facility conditions become clear.

The only laboratory environmental monitoring solution available with a service-based approach is XiltriX. By providing professional managed monitoring services, XiltriX partners with life science organizations to deliver state-of-the-art hardware and software tools that gather and analyze complex, real-time laboratory monitoring data relative to critical processes and ambient conditions, 24 hours a day. 

With XiltriX Monitoring-as-a-Service, when any deviation or failure occurs outside of preset parameters in the system, users within your organization -- along with the XiltriX SafetyNet team -- are alerted immediately to take necessary corrective actions. The XiltriX SafetyNet team of experts is also there to work with you and analyze historical data to identify any anomalies, providing predictive analysis for preventive maintenance in order to facilitate a proactive approach to monitoring. 

XiltriX managed monitoring services include support to partners during all stages of lab equipment and facility condition data management processes; with a seamless implementation, complex data acquisition, analysis, and reporting, the creation of documentation for quality, compliance, and validation purposes, XiltriX works side by side with you to identify every important area that life science organizations need for monitoring.

XiltriX strives to establish partnerships to deliver value-added insight and information to proactively prevent catastrophic equipment failures, streamline compliance and quality reporting processes, and provide 24/7 real-time monitoring to keep a watchful eye on your valuable scientific assets, even when no one else is around. XiltriX does this with the following methods: 

Protecting from Loss of Assets: Notifying of any equipment and facility deviations or failures that lead to invaluable losses of assets, IP, time, and money. XiltriX provides secure, autonomous, and redundant monitoring that keeps a pulse on equipment and facility conditions, alerting you immediately in the event of any deviations.

Monitoring for Multiple OEMs and Varying Data Outputs: Alleviating difficulties in standardizing and analyzing data. XiltriX takes homogenized measurements from various OEMs, from any location. 

Eliminating Error-Prone Manual Tasks: Moving you away from hand-written and siloed data logs for research equipment and storage. Your new XiltriX system automates data in real time through measurements taken every second on all parameters. 

Proving Compliance with Documentation: Providing automated reporting to support adherence to SOPs deters daily disturbances in overall laboratory operations. The XiltriX system is fully validated and auditable and XiltriX documentation supports quality and compliance with strict regulatory agencies. 

Integrating Legacy IT Systems: Connect disparate laboratory equipment and systems to provide more data connectivity, security, and integrity. Your new system leverages IoT technology with a secure cloud-based solution, communication protocols, and role-based security.

Want to learn more about laboratory equipment monitoring? Read our eBook:


XiltriX Monitoring-as-a-Service Helps Protect Scientific Assets at San Diego Pharma


Best Practices for Lab Monitoring