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Preventing Critical Asset Loss Through Cryo Tank Monitoring

XiltriX’s SafetyNet team detected an active alarm for a cryo tank after the customer forgot to put the lid back on.

“As you can see in the graph we sent you, we believe the probe has been left out. Your unit is not being monitored, and that's a big risk.”

-SafetyNet Agent, XiltriX North America


Cryo Tank Monitoring

The SafetyNet team detected an active alarm for a cryo tank. After numerous call attempts to reach the customer, there was no response from any of the emergency contacts. The SafetyNet agent sent an email to the emergency contacts providing the graph below as evidence and notifying them that the unit had breached its upper limit of -196℃ and had been steadily at 19.3℃ (room temperature) for approximately 1.5 hours. SafetyNet was concerned that the data presented in the graph revealed that the tank’s lid may have been left off, posing immense and unnecessary risk. When the customer responded to the email, they let the SafetyNet agent know that they would check on the unit and responded moments later notifying them that the lid had been left out of the tank with the probe attached.


8:11 am – Initial alarm triggered by the XiltriX system, automated alert escalation starts.

8:20 am – SafetyNet makes numerous calls in an attempt to reach the emergency contacts.

8:48 am – After multiple failed attempts and voicemails, SafetyNet sends an email summary to inform the customer and present the data.

9:52 am – The customer responds to the email and confirms that they will check the unit.

10:02 am – SafetyNet follows up with the customer to let them know the unit is back in range.


Upon reviewing the data, SafetyNet was confident that the probe had been left out of the unit and a cryo tank was currently unmonitored with LN2 evaporating. As illustrated in the graph, the unit’s temperature instantly rose to match the ambient temperature, which indicated that someone removed that tank’s lid and left it off. Cryo tank monitoring is vital for maintaining optimal conditions. SafetyNet took immediate action and diligently contacted the customer’s emergency contacts after they missed the alarm. If the situation remained unnoticed, the tank would have dried out, likely leading to a major incident. Mistakes are inevitable, even among the most well-trained lab staff. Having a second set of eyes is invaluable when it comes to protecting your scientific assets.

XiltriX Benefits

The XiltriX system allowed SafetyNet to notify the client immediately after they missed the alarm. This example highlights the importance of working with a provider that offers live agent support, actively monitors your facility, and keeps you in the loop when issues arise. With XiltriX serving as a second line of defense, you can have peace of mind knowing that oversights in the lab will be identified and communicated, even when your entire team is on-site. XiltriX acts as a second line of defense by enhancing security and prioritizing the customer’s peace of mind. While human errors are inevitable, it’s our mission to alleviate stress by monitoring your lab so you have one less thing to worry about.

What is SafetyNet?

SafetyNet is a team of monitoring experts who provide 24/7 live support. In addition to being on every alarm escalation protocol, the SafetyNet team will assist you with system configuration and administration, troubleshooting, unlimited training, live phone calls, and they’ll act as an extension of your team.