Preventing Cryo Tank Assets from Going Unmonitored

XiltriX’s SafetyNet team detected a critical alarm for a cryo tank at a clinic and prevented assets from going unmonitored.

“Great communication and very helpful advice as we were troubleshooting the issue. Very satisfied with the solution!”

- Customer Satisfaction Feedback

Environmental Monitoring Safeguards Cryo Tank Assets

The SafetyNet team detected a technical alarm for a cryo tank at a clinic. As soon as XiltriX stopped receiving readings for the unit, the SafetyNet team immediately contacted the client to troubleshoot the issue. The client was able to solve the problem and monitoring was restored with the help and guidance of the SafetyNet agent.

During the phone call with the SafetyNet agent, the client mentioned that the cryo tank had just been refilled. Upon reviewing the data, it became clear that the unit’s monitoring interruption coincided with the time of the recent refill. This critical bit of information allowed the SafetyNet agent to pinpoint the root cause as a loose sensor connection and troubleshoot effectively.


6:41 am – Initial alarm triggered by the XiltriX system, automated alert escalation initiated.

6:51 am -SafetyNet receives alarm notification. Initial phone call to alert customer’s emergency contact of the situation. 

6:53 am – Voicemail left to alert the user in the laboratory.

8:00 am – 21-minute follow-up call and live troubleshooting session with customer to solve the problem.

8:25 am – SafetyNet sends a comprehensive email summary of the events for the customer’s records.


XiltriX technical alarms are triggered when the data flow from a sensor is interrupted, a situation that can result from a variety of reasons. In many cases, SafetyNet can easily fix these issues remotely, sparing clients from nuisance alarms. However, if the issue is with an on-site component and cannot be resolved remotely, SafetyNet notifies the client within 30 minutes and more importantly, assists the customer in resolving the issue. 

In this case, SafetyNet worked with the customer to resolve the problem over a brief call, which avoided the need to stay on-site and watch over the storage tank during the monitoring interruption. Thanks to SafetyNet’s guidance and support, monitoring was quickly restored and the customer was very grateful that SafetyNet empowered her to resolve the problem. The quick resolution also prevented the need to transfer materials to a backup tank, as well as other quality documentation implications. Had XiltriX not escalated the alarm with the customer the assets may have gone unmonitored, creating an unnecessary risk of loss for the customer.

Technology glitches, connectivity hiccups, and human error are part of everyday life. The key is to have the right processes and resources in place to quickly resolve and mitigate the effects of these issues when they arise. Within the XiltriX framework, the SafetyNet team has the specific skill set to initiate immediate action and assist our customers in resolving these problems.

XiltriX Benefits

Working with a provider that supplies adequate support when issues arise is optimal. With the right support system in place, clients can quickly rectify issues so they can focus on what they do best. SafetyNet agents are subject-matter experts who act as a second line of defense and an extension of your team.

What is SafetyNet?

SafetyNet is a team of monitoring experts who provide 24/7 live support. In addition to being on every alarm escalation protocol, the SafetyNet team will assist you with system configuration and administration, troubleshooting, unlimited training, live phone calls, and they’ll act as an extension of your team.


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